Faithful Stewardship with Chuck DeLadurnatey

Many of our listeners are familiar with the troubling state of finances in the United States. Between inflation, oppressive taxation, fractional reserve banking, the national debt, and the Federal Reserve, it is a hard time to build an inheritance for your children’s children. Most of us know there is a problem, but few of us know what to do to stop the bleeding. So, most of us watch our 401ks fail to keep up with inflation. Despite what certain radio personalities might say, 12% returns on Mutual Funds aren’t the norm.

In this episode, we talk about how to fight for our grandchildren with our banking. Most of us are not leveraging big investment funds, but all of us are working. You have more money than you think you do, and you are going to earn a lot more.

Chuck DeLadurantey from Private Family Banking joins us to talk through biblical concepts of banking and how to faithfully leverage our finances in ways that benefit ourselves, our families, our churches, and the Kingdom of Christ.

Learn more about stewardship from or email Chuck (