
Moral Failures, Church Recovery, and Pastoral Cleanup | Interview with Mitch Schultz

Moral Failures, Church Recovery, and Pastoral Cleanup | Interview with Mitch Schultz

Years ago Mitch Schultz was asked to step in to pastor a church after the previous pastor had a moral failure. Little did he know that in addition to the hurt and fallout from the last pastor's affair, there were several significant problems in the church that were not disclosed. He went through tremendous hurt, but gained valuable insight on how churches should apply discipline and how churches can be built up after devastation.

Why We Fight

Why We Fight

Recent decades have seen a decline in faithful, confessing Christians willing to give something more than mere lip service to the Kingdom of God. As Voddie Baucham says, evangelicalism has developed an unspoken “eleventh commandment” to be nice. It has been assumed that “niceness” is holiness. The contrary is often true. While we are to be kind, we are also commanded to contend for the faith (Jude 3). In this episode, we discuss what is at risk as “evangellyfish” focus more on being soft than on fighting for the faith.