Injustice by Statute
Romans 13 is a passage that is not so often exegeted as it is rolled up like a newspaper and used to bludgeon citizens into submission to authorities that bear no resemblance to the magistrates described in the text. Historically, the worst of tyrants have misused Romans 13 to keep their subjects from obeying God rather than men.
There are a few things that I like to point out in relation to Romans 13:
The passage describes the magistrates as God’s servants (not the other way around).
The passage describes the role of governing authorities to punish evil and promote good. Anytime a ruler does the opposite, he is in that instance no longer within his/her prescribed role and should not be obeyed as such.
The writer of Romans (Paul) was arguably disobeying governing authorities simply by writing the book of Romans. Thus, the passage cannot be a blanket command to obey rulers no matter what.
God has instituted at least three earthly authorities, each having their own sphere of oversight: Fathers over homes, Elders over churches, magistrates over criminal/civil affairs.
The whole council of Scripture leaves no room for blind obedience to governing authorities. The Bible is replete with instances of civil (and not so civil) disobedience. The Hebrew midwives defied Pharaoh’s order to kill baby boys (Exodus 1:15-22). Samuel hacked King Agag to pieces in obedience to God, because King Saul failed to obey God (1 Samuel 15). Obadiah defied Jezebel to protect God’s prophets (1 King 18:2-4). Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to bow to the King’s idol (Daniel 3). Daniel prayed to God instead of the King, openly defying the decree to wait 30 days (Daniel 6). Peter and the other apostles preach the Gospel in defiance to the chief priests, declaring “we must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
For a more detailed exposition of Romans 13, have a look at Dr. Jame’s White’s approach.
Consider verse 3: “For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval.” Does that sound like the rulers of present or even recent regimes?
Under Obama, 90% of deaths from drone strikes killed civilians rather than terrorists. The practice wasn’t much better with Bush or Trump. Did you know that the leading cause of death globally in 2020 was abortion? Our government legalizes, approves, facilitates, and funds the murder of children in the womb. I could talk about unjust sentencing for marijuana possession, lack of punishment for rapists, or any other obscene statute, but I don’t think any of it tops the wholesale slaughter of children.
The Psalmist has something to say about it.
“Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who frame injustice by statute?”
Psalm 94 describes wicked rules fashion injustice with their laws. Their laws are specifically designed to rob and murder. Such a wicked ruler cannot be aligned with God. These are not the rulers described in Romans 13, and their statutes are not to be obeyed but defied.
I write this, because we have an obedience problem in Evangelical Christianity. Scores of “pastors” wrongly applied Romans 13 in order to obey unlawful virus mandates in defiance of God’s plain command that we not forsake the assembly (Hebrews 10:23-25). These same “pastors” scrambled to to take Payment Protection loans in order to preserve their own salaries. In doing so, they rendered to Caesar that which is God’s. They will answer to Him for having abandoned their post, forsaking the church which He bought with His blood (Acts 20:28).
Side note: Since my original writing, Pastor James Coates has been incarcerated in Alberta, Canada for obeying God’s command to assemble the saints. Countless Canadian and American pastors have condemned his obedience to God. I posted a comment on the subject and was derided by many who used multiple means of argumentation while neglecting the Word of God. For more on this issue, watch the report from Founders Ministries.
Weak shepherds have left the sheep with an admonition to obey the wolves. We know how this will end…unless something changes.
Obedient Disobedience
Presently, in oppressive tyrannies like Iran, California, Saudi Arabia, Washington, China, North Korea, Canada, Russia, and the like there are faithful saints defying stay at home orders and anti-proselytizing laws to worship God, proclaim the Gospel, and make disciples. Many of them have risked or lost their jobs, faced jail time, or have been buried under fines. Many others have been cut off from their families, beaten, tutored, starved, and killed.
You’ll forgive my anger that supposed pastors are willing to declare the blood of Christ “non-essential” by means of abandoning the practice of communion or when the withering soul of a weak brother is not edified through the singing of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:18-19), because his pastor is afraid of what fines the magistrate might levy.
The mandates are illegal. Defy them.
Obey both God and the law of the land by telling the tyrants to pound sand.
Have you forgotten Who the magistrate serves? Have you forgotten Who you serve? The governing authorities are only to be obeyed insomuch as they remain in their biblically mandated role to punish evil (Romans 13). Their edicts outlining how God is to be worshipped in the assembly is tantamount to blasphemy. God is the one who declares how He is to be worshiped. Interference from the state into the affairs of the Church places the magistrates outside the servanthood of God and under His wrath. Don’t be so foolish as to follow them there.
Obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).
Side note: Both Romans 13 and our biblical examples remind us to obey rulers in every way that we can without disobeying God. Daniel 3 and 6 provide helpful examples as does Acts 5. Obey where you can. Disobey where you must. Be prudent.
Given the reality that multiple states and municipalities in the United States have overstepped their God given boundaries and have instituted restrictions on the faithful gathering of God’s saints, I am compelled as a pastor and theologian to remind the faithful of essential practices that must be firmly established in preparation for what is to come, be it peace or persecution. This list is not exhaustive.
Preach the gospel of Christ’s atoning death and resurrection to pay for our sin and restore us back to God (Matthew 28:18-20). There are many who claim Christ that do not love Him enough to proclaim His good news in the easiest of times. If you are too fearful to preach the gospel now, you will be too fearful when your life and livelihood is at risk. Call your neighbor, schedule a meeting with your unsaved friend, invite your sister to Bible study. Preach the gospel.
Gather with the saints (Hebrews 10:23-25). You cannot afford the neglect the Lord’s Day gathering. The New Testament is filled with commands for the gathering, commands that require you assemble in person. Risk infection. Risk fines. Risk death if necessary. Assemble with the church and offer spiritual sacrifices as you edify one another in song, through the use of gifts, and through the breaking of bread. If you won’t come to church for fear of a virus, you certainly won’t come when there is risk of imprisonment.
Teach your children (Proverbs 22:6). It is your job, not the church’s to educate your Children in the Word. You are the one who is called to disciple them. Now is the time to faithfully catechize your kids (try New City Catechism), to teach them Scripture, to disciple them through family worship around the dinner table. The truth is that a day might come in which they are taken away and must propagate the gospel on their own as tiny missionaries. It’s happening in China. Let’s make sure we’ve already catechized our kids, so they can lead the underground studies in the re-education camps.
Avoid “endless genealogies and quarrels about the law” (Titus 3:9). The gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone matters greatly. Yet, I continue to hear about Christians forsaking the proclamation of the gospel to debate tertiary issues or to find “secret codes” in Hebrew texts. Occasionally, this leads to heresy. Consistently, it leads to distraction from the gospel work. Quit looking for mystical experiences, quit focusing all of your study time on finding a new fact that no one else knows or something you can quiz your pastor on. Preach the gospel. Make disciples. Quit wasting your time
Appeal to the lesser magistrate. As Romans 13 indicates, God has placed rulers there to protect us. Notably, Romans 13 seems to speak primarily of the local magistrate. Look up the doctrine of the “lesser magistrate” and our duty to call upon local leaders to protect us from tyranny. Did you know that Sherifs can arrest federal agents? Get acquainted with the history of the Magisterial Reformation.
Keep your guns. I’m not here advocating for violence. I plan to discuss the use of weapons for defense and rescue in another post. For now, know that historically the presence of weapons in the hands of the people kept tyranny in check (to some degree). Jesus did command the purchase of swords (Luke 22:36). God trains the hands of the Psalmist for war (Psalm 144:1). David’s men had swords at the ready (1Samuel 25:13). We are commanded to rescue those being led away to death (Prov. 24:11). Scripture makes allowance for using lethal force for self defense (Exodus 22). A man is expected to provide for his family, including protection (1 Timothy 5:8). More on all this later.
Make Preparations. The command for a man to provide includes food and shelter as well as protection (1 Timothy 5:8). Similarly, it is wise to hide oneself from foreseen danger (Proverbs 22:3). Scripture reminds us to store food in times of plenty to be prepared for times of want (Genesis 6, 41). Now is a good time to eliminate debts and procure assets. Store some dry goods should you need them. Maybe get some alternative currencies. Learn some skills for self-sustaining and caring for others. Don’t go crazy. Just be prudent.
Learn from the persecuted Church. Pastor Wang Yi who is now being held in Chinese prison for his obedience to Christ rather than men wrote this statement to be shared upon his imprisonment. Please read it.
Abide in Christ. Fruit is borne by abiding in Christ as His Word abides in you (John 15), by walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5). Let delighting in God be your first priority, and enjoy the joy that comes with it (Psalm 16:11).
I’ll leave you with the rest of Psalm 94. It’s good news. God does not take lightly the persecution of His children. His wrath is in store for the wicked unless they repent. In which case we will rejoice with them in heaven!
“Can wicked rulers be allied with you,
those who frame injustice by statute?
They band together against the life of the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death.
But the Lord has become my stronghold,
and my God the rock of my refuge.
He will bring back on them their iniquity
and wipe them out for their wickedness;
the Lord our God will wipe them out.”