The issue of the roles of women in the Church has become a divisive topic in recent years, one that is tied to other volatile topics such as feminism and Critical Theory. This series of blog posts is designed to address the issue and answer the common objections to biblical gender roles in the Church. This particular post answers some of the common arguments made by egalitarians.
Can Women Be Pastors? | The Roles of Men and Women in the Church and the Home | Part 1
The issue of the roles of women in the Church has become a divisive topic in recent years, one that is tied to other volatile topics such as feminism and Critical Theory. This series of blog posts is designed to address the issue and answer the common objections to biblical gender roles in the Church. The question of female elders/pastors has come to the forefront in evangelical circles over the last few years. The discussion warrants theological reflection. Approaching the issue requires a definition of terms with the recognition that proponents of the respective views may hold nuanced positions within them.