
Follow, Paperback Release

Follow, Paperback Release

One year ago today, we released Follow: A Handbook for Making Disciples of Jesus Christ in a Kindle Edition.  Today, we are releasing it on paperback!  Have a look at what leaders are saying about the book.  Then, purchase two copies, one for you and one for the person you will disciple this year.  Then, get to the work of making disciples.  

"Dan has written a much needed book for use on the ground by those who are seeing converts. Of course, Dan isn't content just to see converts, but to see disciples. As a 20 year veteran in ministry, I can tell you that books like this don't come around very often because publishers don't want books for new converts, because they don't think they'll sell. Therefore, a much needed tool like this one often doesn't fall into the hands of those that need it most. I'm grateful that Dan wrote this book as a tool for those on the front lines to hand to the new believers coming through their ministries." -Peyton Jones, Church Planter Magazine and New Breed Church Planting

Scythes, Harvest, and the Bare Arms of Laborers

Scythes, Harvest, and the Bare Arms of Laborers

Let me tell you what a tragedy is.  Every day, millions of Christians spend all of their waking ours giving no thought to spiritual death their neighbors live.  Every week, those same Christians show up to a building where they have an experience and do nothing of significance to advance the Kingdom.  Every year, millions of dollars are spent on making that experience as comfortable and as entertaining as possible for those very same Christians who are doing nothing to fulfill the Great Commission.

Spirit Empowered Witness

Prayer is essential to disciple-making.  God is the one who is sending laborers, empowering us to witness, and drawing people to Jesus.  However, we are all called to witness when the Holy Spirit empowers us to do so (Acts 1:8).  A witness tells about their experience.  You don't have to be an expert; you just have to have met Jesus.  In preparation for the power of the Spirit, I encourage you to know your Jesus story and know the gospel.  This video teaches you how to prepare your Jesus story with three parts.  

Dead Spirits and the Scientific Method

Dead Spirits and the Scientific Method

Have a look at this brief video where I talk about communicating spiritual truth to people who have not been made alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-5).  While this is a  brief explanation, I think it helps us understand what Paul means 1 Corinthians 1:18.  

Prayer as a Catalyst for Disciple-Making

Disciple-making, especially as it relates to evangelism causes anxiety for some Christians.  They think that it involves awkward conversations with strangers.  However, disciple-making becomes freeing when we realize that God is the one doing it all.  In this video, I talk about prayer as a catalyst for God's work in disciple-making.  Look for some practical direction on what to pray for and how to go about making it a part of your life.