
It's Probably Time to Leave Your Church... Because It Might Not Be a Church

It's Probably Time to Leave Your Church... Because It Might Not Be a Church

Discern if your church is biblical (see above criteria). If you are in a faithful church, praise God! Labor faithfully. Make disciples. Support your pastor. He is undoubtedly struggling right now. Increase your time with the saints. Host dinner in your home. Fellowship. Be the Church.

However, if your church is not functioning as a biblically, confront your pastor with Scripture. If he repents, you have gained a faithful shepherd. If he doesn’t, leave and find a faithful church. Your spirit and the souls of your family can’t afford for you to wait. The Kingdom of God needs faithful saints doing the gospel work, not distracted fighting futile battles with wolf shepherds. Your children need to sit under faithful teaching (Romans 10:17). Your wife needs to see you lead as the spiritual head of your home. You need to be under a faithful pastor. Kick the dust off of your feet and leave now. You are needed elsewhere.

Citizen of Jesus' Kingdom, Enemy of Man's

Citizen of Jesus' Kingdom, Enemy of Man's

But making Jesus my King removes me from the human power struggle.  Men of power fear this more than anything.  Authoritarian leaders know their power will erode if people no longer grasp for it.  The Kingdom of God is the greatest fear of the kings of men.  

Further, if I am obedient to Jesus as King, I will obey human rulers only to the extend that doing so will not compromise obedience to Jesus.  No tyrant likes a citizen who is allegiant to the True King. 

You Can't Seek Power and Jesus at the Same Time

You Can't Seek Power and Jesus at the Same Time

Alex's dad made this comment:"The reason Alex likes Trump is because Trump shows power, and Alex is about power because he was so impotent as a child.  There is something powerful about Trump and that appeals to Alex.  When he pictures [his future], he pictures himself like Donald Trump."  Alex seemed to concur with his father's assessment. "I don't focus on wealth; I focus on power," he specified.   He then went on to quote Frank Underwood, the fictional villain/protagonist from Netflix' House of Cards, "A fool goes after money, but someone who really seeks to control goes after power."  

The "power vote."  That is the category Alex and so many other Trump voters fit into.  They feel that our country has become weak and needs power.  

Scythes, Harvest, and the Bare Arms of Laborers

Scythes, Harvest, and the Bare Arms of Laborers

Let me tell you what a tragedy is.  Every day, millions of Christians spend all of their waking ours giving no thought to spiritual death their neighbors live.  Every week, those same Christians show up to a building where they have an experience and do nothing of significance to advance the Kingdom.  Every year, millions of dollars are spent on making that experience as comfortable and as entertaining as possible for those very same Christians who are doing nothing to fulfill the Great Commission.

Spirit Empowered Witness

Prayer is essential to disciple-making.  God is the one who is sending laborers, empowering us to witness, and drawing people to Jesus.  However, we are all called to witness when the Holy Spirit empowers us to do so (Acts 1:8).  A witness tells about their experience.  You don't have to be an expert; you just have to have met Jesus.  In preparation for the power of the Spirit, I encourage you to know your Jesus story and know the gospel.  This video teaches you how to prepare your Jesus story with three parts.  

Dead Spirits and the Scientific Method

Dead Spirits and the Scientific Method

Have a look at this brief video where I talk about communicating spiritual truth to people who have not been made alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-5).  While this is a  brief explanation, I think it helps us understand what Paul means 1 Corinthians 1:18.  

Prayer as a Catalyst for Disciple-Making

Disciple-making, especially as it relates to evangelism causes anxiety for some Christians.  They think that it involves awkward conversations with strangers.  However, disciple-making becomes freeing when we realize that God is the one doing it all.  In this video, I talk about prayer as a catalyst for God's work in disciple-making.  Look for some practical direction on what to pray for and how to go about making it a part of your life.  

Foolish But Effective

Foolish But Effective

There are days when I think about how foolish this must seem to mega-church pastors.  We don't have much money (We remain about two low giving months away from not being able to pay me).  We don't have many people (35 on a good Sunday).  Our organization structures are lacking in the absence of multiple staff (Volunteers are stepping up, though!).  We have no building to mark our presence (And no payment!).  

However, if we are comparing stats:

  • 3,000 people spend 3 million dollars to make 15 disciples in a year in a large church context. That is 1 disciple for every 200 people (0.5% disciple-making rate) and $200,000 per new disciple.  
  • 8 people (plus a whole lot of other people praying, giving, encouraging, and supporting) spend about $40k to make 9 disciples in a year in a house church context.   That is 1.125 disciples for every 1 person (112.5% disciple-making rate) and $4,444 per new disciple.  

Obscuring the Heart's Condition

Obscuring the Heart's Condition

I have come to a disconcerting realization that church people avoid sanctification by adhering to rules rather than allowing God to transform their hearts. Recently, I found myself in a discussion about alcohol in response to an article in Relevant Magazine about Christianity's Most Famous Beer Enthusiasts.   The discussion, while good natured seemed to quickly stray into the bounds of legalism, a religious predisposition that is more dangerous than any other I know.  It reminded me of the dangers thereof as well as the good intentions that often fertilize it's root, inspiring me to address the issue here.  While the example I am sharing relates to the use of alcohol, the issue is much further reaching.  

John Oliver Hilariously Exposes a False Gospel

John Oliver Hilariously Exposes a False Gospel

The fundamental truth of the gospel is that Jesus has paid our sin debts, and salvation is free (Ephesians 2:8).  When you Trust Jesus, you follow Him.  Jesus is the God of creation.  He owns everything, but He chose to become as a servant (Philippians 2), to live as a homeless man (Luke 9:58), and to spend his time with broken people.  Following Jesus doesn't mean you have to be poor, but it does mean that you cannot serve riches.