
It's Probably Time to Leave Your Church... Because It Might Not Be a Church

It's Probably Time to Leave Your Church... Because It Might Not Be a Church

Discern if your church is biblical (see above criteria). If you are in a faithful church, praise God! Labor faithfully. Make disciples. Support your pastor. He is undoubtedly struggling right now. Increase your time with the saints. Host dinner in your home. Fellowship. Be the Church.

However, if your church is not functioning as a biblically, confront your pastor with Scripture. If he repents, you have gained a faithful shepherd. If he doesn’t, leave and find a faithful church. Your spirit and the souls of your family can’t afford for you to wait. The Kingdom of God needs faithful saints doing the gospel work, not distracted fighting futile battles with wolf shepherds. Your children need to sit under faithful teaching (Romans 10:17). Your wife needs to see you lead as the spiritual head of your home. You need to be under a faithful pastor. Kick the dust off of your feet and leave now. You are needed elsewhere.