It is no surprise that the false prophets of modern Christianity falsely prophesied a Trump re-election. They hoped against hope that a lecherous narcissist would defend Christians from an impending wave of persecution from child murderers. Instead of throwing their children into a Moloch furnace, these idolaters threw their testimonies into the dumpster fire of American politics and hoped the result would be safety and prosperity. Incidentally, the leftists did the same thing, hoping instead to retain their “wokeism” and praise of men by way of virtue signaling.
You Can't Seek Power and Jesus at the Same Time
Alex's dad made this comment:"The reason Alex likes Trump is because Trump shows power, and Alex is about power because he was so impotent as a child. There is something powerful about Trump and that appeals to Alex. When he pictures [his future], he pictures himself like Donald Trump." Alex seemed to concur with his father's assessment. "I don't focus on wealth; I focus on power," he specified. He then went on to quote Frank Underwood, the fictional villain/protagonist from Netflix' House of Cards, "A fool goes after money, but someone who really seeks to control goes after power."
The "power vote." That is the category Alex and so many other Trump voters fit into. They feel that our country has become weak and needs power.